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幸运飞艇预测 社会工作系安秋玲副教授在SSCI期刊上发表干预研究论文

作者: 发布日期: 2020-07-02

祝贺我系安秋玲副教授在SSCI期刊 Journal of Affective Disorders上发表新的干预研究论文《The effectiveness of modified, group-based CBT for dementia worry among Chinese elders》。该刊物影响因子4.1,为二区国际期刊。



Objectives: Dementias are highly prevalent among Chinese elders. This study examined the effectiveness of a modified group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on dementia worry among Chinese older adults.
Methods: Eighty-two older adults recruited from four elder group homes were randomly assigned to either intervention or control group. The intervention group (n= 44) received eight weekly 60-minute face-to-face CBT,while the control group (n=38) received treatment-as-usual.
Results: Outcomes indicated that the modified group CBT has significantly reduced dementia worry and culturally biased beliefs about dementia (p<.001). Study findings supported both statistically and clinically significant effect of modified group CBT on dementia worry [g=-1.52, 95% CI (-2.01, -1.03)] and biased beliefs about dementia [g=-.95, 95% CI (-1.40, -.49)].
Discussion: The culturally adapted CBT is promising in alleviating worries and anxiety over dementia among Chinese older adults. Future research needs to include larger samples and participants from different regions to replicate findings.

