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幸运飞艇预测 人类学研究所何瑞雪在SSCI期刊发表论文

作者: 发布日期: 2020-11-23

Title:A political anthropology of finance : Studying the distribution of money in the financial industry as a political process


JournalAnthropological Theory


About the journal:Anthropological theory is an international peer reviewed journal seeking to strengthen anthropological theorizing in different areas of the world. This is an exciting forum for new insights into theoretical issues in anthropology and morebroadly, social theory.



About the author:Horacio Ortiz is associate professor at the Research Institute of Anthropology, EsatChina Normal University and researcher at CNRS, IRISSO, Université ParisDauphine - PSL. He conducted research on everyday practices in the financial industry in New York, Paris and Shanghai. His work has been published in the Annual Review of Anthropology, Anthropological Theory, HAU Journal of Ethnographic Theory and American Anthropologist.